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Houses for sale in Cyprus

Fitzgerald’s have  quality houses for sale of all types – apartments, town houses and villas.

The reasons why Fitzgerald’s have been so successful is that the houses are outstanding quality and Fitzgerald’s have excellent marketing and brand name.

Smaller houses for sale enjoy the same promotion opportunities as the boutique and prestige properties and are sold in the range of €38,000 to €280,000.

Many owners are listing their lovely houses with Fitzgerald’s because they realize that they will get more money, more than anyone else can achieve, for their properties. Excellent photos and videos plus all the features including Google Map and Floor plans are shown on both our websites and

Should you wish to sell your property with Fitzgerald’s please email/bring a copy of your Title Deeds and Stamped Sales Agreement to us.

WE GET MORE MONEY FOR YOU because of our good name and marketing AND Fitzgerald’s are straight.

Houses for sale in Cyprus

You can consult on issues related to the sale, purchase, registration of elite real estate by calling
+357 7000 8877 or visiting our office on the road between KINGS MALL and Paphos Harbour, 300m on the right open 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday.

Read more about Cyprus or Contact Us  Cyprus Properties