Stroumbi is located about 15 kilometres North-East of Paphos.
The village existed since the Mediaeval times under the same name. It is found marked on old maps under the name Strombi. De Mass Latri includes the village in the privately-owned feuds of the Frank Domination era.
Tradition reports that the village took its name from the area in which the old village was built, which was located in a “chubby” – in Greek, stroumboulos – area just like the surrounding region. Another version reports that the village belonged to a person named Stroumbis. “Stroumbis” implies a short and chubby person who resembled a “stromvos” (whirligig).
Since ancient times, the village was renowned for its wines of excellent quality. Thus, it is no accident that the village’s inhabitants established – since August 1982 – their annual festival, named “Dionuysia” in honour of the ancient Greek God, Dionysus.
The community of Stroumbi, utilising its tradition as one of the largest, qualitative wine-making villages of Cyprus, and wanting to offer to both locals and foreigners the opportunity of being acquainted with the pleasure and taste of grapes and wine, is celebrating – every year in the month of August – the grapes’ Festival “Ta Dionysia”.
Displays of folkloric art, painting, handicrafts, fruits, vine-produce, and flowers are organised – as well as others – which receive prizes. Throughout the duration of the Festival, plenty of grapes and “palouze” (must jelly) are offered for free.
On the last night of every Festival, a Star “Dionysia” and a Miss Grape are voted for after a dance contest, receiving lavish gifts.